Questions in paper 3 Dec 2008
- Describe various steps in photo etching IC fabrication ?
- State and Prove Norton's theorem?
- Classify different types of Oscillators?
- Mention Barkhausen's Criterion of Oscillation?
- Explain the block diagram of PLL?
- Write the difference between Closed And Open loop system?
- What is Positive logic and Negative Logic?
- State Thevenin's theorem & Superposition theorem?
- What is Multivibrator? Classify them
- Explain different types of Memory?
- What are Conditional operators in C?
- Explain various storage classes in C?
- Define Characteristic Impedance ,Input impedance and Standing Wave Ratio of Transmission line ?
- Write a short note on Logic State Analyzer?
- Define Numerical aperture and Critical angle?
- Explain the working of A/D converter?
- Describe the interrupts in 8085 Microprocessor?
- Explain the working of LASER & LED in optical fibers ?
Wish you a Good luck !!